Thursday, March 3, 2011

life like come n go, touch n go,dan aku?agogo....

today,just not the same as yesterday n yesterday not even like the day before yesterday n bla.bla.bla....*sigggh*

lucky me,today aku xterbabas dek mentari untuk menjalankan kewajipanku sbg hambaNYA . Kelas xde awal pagi ni. then,aii decided to not continue back my awesome exercise (tidooo) =)

then,wat suppose i do? nothing. tgk kalendar,jeling ckit,mane taw 'KOT-KOT' ade miracle kan. tentibe date yg aku highlite 2 dah xde semuanyaa..then,boley lah aku bersorak sambil buat kuak rentang.hoyeeeeay ! 'ade 'cang' nak balik'...

DISSAPOINTING!!! kau bukan budak kecik yg hisap jari sambil tengok citer rapunzel weeyh nak berkhayal bagai ber'miracle2 nii.

suddenly, tentibew rase down balik. it's not down to the earth weeyh....its called down.down.down with the fate! Ya ALLAH,jangan plak aku jadi kufur sebab menidak kan QADA' n QADAR-MU.. tapi siyes aku xsehebat kelmarin. xsekuat kelmarin. berapa hari dah xkenal nasik? asyek ditemani JACKERS jee. semalam,kuar teman orang makan. then,feeling like nak makan-lah. komfiden je order. tentibe kasi taw waiters balik, 'bang,kasi bungkus la yg order td,roomet punye..*dush!* macam buat keje bodoh x?

ring ni dah loose kat jari aku.then aku pin kan kat rantai,buang huruf blink2 kat rantai tu.
mula2 sayang,tapi bila dah pakai,okek! awesome what.... the ring will getting close to my heart.
"it will always alarming my heart"

seee....betapa ketat mampat macam milo fuze nyee jadual aku.
28?? yeayyyh i'm now on da highway,driving to reach maturity*sarcastic*

weyyh.abaikan pixel yg macam haprak tu.aku juz ber-webbie.

pretending u are Tumblr-blog my dear..........

i need a warm hug n kiss by now ! plis.plis.plis.......
Pssst......aku xnanges okek.aku budak kuat.hari2 makan sekut tiger *faker.f***.faker.*

cikserabaipotpetpotpepet: demn!!! jeles tengok budak2 HAAK enjoy sweet moment together. aku xleh join byk aktiviti pasni gara2 bermajorkan SAINS!!!! nak bermajorkan HAAK boley? oowh abaikan words 'aku,kau' coz aku sedang bermonolog sekarang~


Cik Azmah said...

cik..asal la asyik tensen je?

Hardy Boy said...

Semoga tabah menghadapi setiap cobaaan(mcm p.ramlee cakap)...

saya dah follow blog nie, bole follow saya kembali?huhuhu

cikserabai said...

cik azmah: sape xtensyen yang kalo keje xpenah sudah2...ade je bertambah..T_T
hardy boy: thanxx.n i dah folo u too


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